Over the last 4 weeks i used the cutting stack which all included anvarol, win-max, clenbutrol, and Testo-Max.
Over the four weeks ive seen incredible differences in my lifts and my physique.
Overall i’ve lost 15lbs and 4% of my body fat while maintaining and even growing in muscle size a little bit.
I thought the dramatic weight change would affect my lifts, but my energy levels have never been better and my sets also continued to rise in weights and reps.
I was doing normally 225 bench for 2-3 of 10 and now i doing 245 for 3-4 sets of 10.
When i bought this product i was really just trying to work on my overall appearance and have a better physique and it did just that.
I was very satisfied with this product and noticed no side effects.
It has been four weeks now and i would like to try the bulking stack i believe to put on some more size now that ive cut down on my body fat.
Thank you crazy bulks for so much help.
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