what are steroids

What Are Steroids? Everything You Need To Know About Them (And Safe Alternatives)

15 min read


11 Sep 2024

Hack beast mode

  1. So, what are steroids, exactly?
  2. Are steroids legal?
  3. How do people use steroids?
  4. Are steroids safe for your body?
  5. Where do people get steroids?
  6. What are the best natural alternatives to steroids?
  7. So, should I take steroids?
  8. Build muscle safely and legally - pack on mass the smart way!

Ready to elevate your fitness game and dive deep into the world of steroids? 

Whether you're a gym junkie, an aspiring athlete, a seasoned bodybuilder, or just curious, this guide is here to transform your understanding of these potent substances.

We'll cover everything you need to know and provide you with answers to your most asked questions, like ‘what are steroids’ and ‘how do they work’. We’ll also chat about why they're so hotly debated. 

But hang tight—we're not just flexing our steroid expertise. We'll also spotlight safe, legal alternatives that can help you smash your goals without the risks.

So buckle up and prepare to supercharge your steroid savvy.

What are steroids, exactly?

Steroids are man-made synthetic substances that mimic the effects of hormones that are naturally made in the human body.  

Some steroids contain synthetic forms of testosterone testosterone—the main male sex hormone. 

These types of steroids can help in your quest to build epic muscle and gain extra strength. They’re also popular for their ability to help you shred fat and supersize your gains in a quicker time period than traditional methods.

But hold up! Before you get too excited about the potential to transform your physique, it's crucial to understand that steroids aren't a magic bullet. 

They come with serious health risks and legal implications, especially when used without proper medical supervision.

Types of steroids

Anabolic steroids: These are the ones you've probably heard about in locker rooms. They're designed to build muscle mass and enhance athletic performance. 

Corticosteroids: These are used to treat various medical conditions, like inflammation and allergies such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Asthma, Osteoarthritis, Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD), Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Sepsis, various skin conditions and more.

steroids anabolic

While anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) are frequently discussed, another important category of steroids is glucocorticoids, also known as corticosteroids. 

These hormones, which are naturally produced by the adrenal glands situated above the kidneys, play a key role in controlling inflammation through the immune system.

Synthetic glucocorticoids are commonly prescribed to manage conditions linked to an overactive immune response, like…

  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Sepsis

Despite their potent powers in treating these conditions, glucocorticoids can lead to side effects like increased blood sugar levels and weight gain. 

Consequently, they are typically used only for managing moderate to severe inflammatory issues.

While steroids can offer impressive results in muscle growth and recovery, it's essential to remember that they're not a substitute for hard work, proper nutrition, and consistent training.

What are steroids used for?

Steroids get a lot of attention in the fitness world, but their uses go way beyond just bulking up. Whether they’re prescribed to treat health conditions like inflammation or used to enhance athletic performance, steroids play a big role in different areas. 

From helping with recovery to managing medical issues, these substances can have a serious impact when used legally, safely and for the right reasons.

Here are the main uses for anabolic steroids…

  • Boosting muscle growth: They enhance protein synthesis, leading to increased muscle mass and strength.
  • Improving athletic performance: By speeding up recovery times and increasing endurance, steroids can help athletes push past their limits.
  • Aiding in recovery: They can reduce recovery time from intense workouts or injuries, allowing for more consistent training.
  • Enhancing metabolism: Some anabolic steroids can boost metabolic rate, promoting fat loss while preserving muscle mass. This makes them appealing for those looking to achieve a leaner physique.
  • Hormone replacement therapy (HRT): Anabolic steroids can be used as part of HRT to treat men with low testosterone levels, improving libido, mood, and energy.
  • Treatment of muscle wasting diseases: Steroids are prescribed to treat muscle wasting conditions, such as those seen in HIV/AIDS or cancer patients.

Here are the main uses for corticosteroids…

  • Inflammation reduction: Treat inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, asthma, and allergies.
  • Autoimmune disorders: Manage diseases like lupus and multiple sclerosis by suppressing the immune system.
  • Skin conditions: Treat eczema, psoriasis, and other inflammatory skin issues.
  • Respiratory conditions: Alleviate symptoms of asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and other lung conditions.
  • Allergic reactions: Control severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis.

These benefits can make steroids seem like a tempting option for those looking to achieve their fitness goals in a quick manner, but along with their appeal, comes significant risks that can impact your health.

Considering safer alternatives like natural supplements and proper training regimens can be wise steps in achieving your goals without compromising your wellbeing.

Now, let’s get into the side effects and risks of taking steroids.

Are steroids legal?

Alright, let's talk about the legal side of steroids. It's a bit complex, but let’s break it down. Possessing or distributing anabolic steroids without a prescription is often illegal in many countries, including the U.S. 

This can lead to hefty fines, imprisonment, and a permanent criminal record. Plus, athletes caught using steroids face severe penalties, including disqualification, suspension, or lifetime bans from competitions. 

steroid alternative

Beyond legal repercussions, being associated with steroid use can damage personal and professional reputations, making it a serious decision with far-reaching impacts.

The legality of steroids isn't black and white. Here's the scoop…

Prescription steroids: These are totally fine when a doctor prescribes them for medical reasons. No problem there!

Over-the-counter steroids: Some milder steroid products, like certain creams or nasal sprays, are available without a prescription in many places.

Anabolic steroids for non-medical use: In most countries, including the US, it's not legal to use these without a prescription just for bodybuilding or boosting athletic performance.

Possession and distribution: Having anabolic steroids without a prescription is often illegal, and selling them is usually an even bigger offense.

Sports regulations: Even if steroids might be legally obtainable, they're typically a no-go in competitive sports.

Keep in mind that laws can change and vary quite a bit between countries and even states. What's okay in one place might be strictly off-limits in another.

If you're thinking about using any type of steroid, you should consult with a healthcare professional first. They can guide you on legal and safe ways to reach your health and fitness goals.

Read: The best steroids for bulking

How do people use steroids?

When it comes to using steroids, people have developed a few creative methods to ignite their muscle growth and intensify their workout results, making the process as varied as the results they’re chasing.

Nevertheless, each method of steroid use and the unique ways people take them have their pros and cons. 

To be on the safe side, always look into the risks and benefits before starting a new regime. 

The main methods of steroid use

From pills to injections, and even creams, each method offers its own path to amplify results. 

Let’s dive into how people choose to ignite their fitness goals using these different approaches.

Oral pills: Steroid tablets are easy to use, making them a popular choice. However, they pass through the liver, which can cause strain and increase the risk of liver damage.

Injections: Injectable steroids are administered directly into the muscle, allowing for a more controlled release into the bloodstream. This method is often preferred by those looking to avoid the liver-related side effects of oral steroids.


Topical creams and gels: Steroid creams and gels are applied to the skin, where they are absorbed into the body. This method is less common but can be used for localized muscle enhancement or to avoid needles.

Read: 8 legal steroids that work fast (and without health risks)

Steroid cycles explained

There are different ways that people can take steroids (none of them legal), to help them achieve their goals.


Cycling involves taking steroids for a set period, followed by a break. For example, a user might take steroids for six to 12 weeks, then stop for several weeks to allow the body to recover. This approach aims to reduce side effects and prevent the body from becoming too dependent on the drug.


A variation of cycling, pyramiding, involves gradually increasing the steroid dose until it peaks, then tapering down before the cycle ends. This method is believed to help the body adjust to the drug and minimize withdrawal symptoms.


Stacking is when users combine different types of steroids to amplify the desired effects. By mixing anabolic steroids with varying potencies, people aim to ignite muscle growth and intensify their overall physical transformation. 

For example, one might combine an oral steroid with an injectable one to target both quick and sustained muscle gains.

Remember: Your fitness journey is unique to you. Focus on sustainable, healthy habits, and you'll be amazed at what your body can achieve naturally.

Are steroids safe for your body?

Steroids have a reputation for igniting incredible physical transformations and helping individuals dominate their fitness goals. 

But, when it comes to safety, the picture gets a bit more complicated. To understand what taking steroids can mean for your health, we have to look at the benefits and risks, so you can weigh up whether it’s worthwhile.

What are the side effects of steroids?

Curious about what happens when steroids take the spotlight? Buckle up, as we dive into the dramatic side effects that can accompany these powerful substances—discover why steering clear might be your best bet.

  • Liver damage: Oral steroids can stress the liver, leading to liver disease.
  • Heart problems: Increased risk of heart attacks, high blood pressure, and strokes.
  • Hormonal imbalances: Can cause infertility and gynecomastia (breast growth in men or ‘moobs’).
  • Mood swings: Increased aggression, irritability, and mood swings. You may experience “roid rage”.
  • Depression and anxiety: Higher risk of mental health issues.
  • Acne: Breakouts and oily skin.
  • Hair loss: Thinning hair or baldness.
  • Addiction risk: Potential for developing a dependency.
  • Withdrawal symptoms: Fatigue, loss of appetite, and depression when stopping use.

Remember: The safest way to reach your fitness goals is to avoid illegal steroids altogether and focus on natural, sustainable methods for building muscle and improving performance.

What side effects are associated with which type of steroid? 

Anabolic steroids are mainly used to build muscle and enhance athletic performance. However, they come with significant risks, including liver damage, heart problems, hormonal imbalances, mood swings, and other serious health issues.

are steroids safe

Corticosteroids are prescribed to reduce inflammation and treat conditions such as asthma. While effective, they can lead to side effects like weight gain, mood changes, and elevated blood sugar levels.

Androgenic steroids are designed to develop male characteristics and address hormone imbalances. They carry risks similar to anabolic steroids, including severe hormonal disruptions and other potential health complications.

Men vs Women: How do side effects of steroids differ?

When it comes to steroids, their effects can hit men and women in different ways. 

Understanding how these powerful substances affect each sex differently is key to grasping the full picture of steroid use.

The use of anabolic steroids can have particularly severe and distinct risks for women, as these compounds are designed to mimic male hormones like testosterone.

When women take these types of steroids, they often experience both irreversible and harmful effects due to the introduction of high levels of androgens (male hormones) into their bodies. 

Side effects of steroids for women

  • Voice gets deeper
  • More facial and body hair
  • Clitoris may get larger (sometimes permanently)
Menstrual and fertility issues…
  • Periods might get irregular or stop altogether
  • Can be harder to get pregnant

Side effects of steroids for men

Hormonal changes…
  • Less natural testosterone
  • Enlarged breasts
  • Smaller testicles
Reproductive issues…
  • Trouble with getting or keeping an erection
  • Lower sex drive
  • Infertility
steroid side effects

Side effects of steroids for both men and women

Heart and blood pressure…
  • Higher risk of heart problems
  • Higher cholesterol
  • High blood pressure
Skin problems…
  • Bad acne
  • Oily skin
Hair and skin changes…
  • Thinning hair (like bald spots)
  • More body hair
Mental effects…
  • Mood swings
  • More aggression
  • Feeling anxious or depressed
Joint and muscle issues…
  • Joint pain
  • Higher chance of getting hurt
Liver damage…
  • Can hurt the liver, especially with certain types of steroids

Where do people get steroids?

Anabolic steroids can be prescribed to patients for conditions like anemia and low testosterone levels.

But, U.S. federal law prohibits their use for enhancing athletic performance or increasing muscle mass.

If you have a medical condition that requires steroid use (such as hormone replacement therapy), obtaining steroids legally through a prescription from a doctor is the safest route. This ensures the medication is regulated, tested, and safe for consumption.

But, the fact of the matter is some people do go the illegal route. For your own safety, avoid black market products as they're flooded with counterfeit or contaminated steroids, which can be ineffective at best—and dangerous at worst.

These products often lack proper dosing, contain harmful substances, and may lead to serious health complications.

So, unless it’s prescribed or legally given the go-ahead from a healthcare professional, stay away.

Read: Legal steroids: What are they and how do they work?

What are the best natural alternatives to steroids? 

Building muscle naturally without the use of anabolic steroids requires dedication, consistent effort, and a natural approach that includes nutrition, exercise, supplementation, and lifestyle adjustments.

bodybuilding nutrition

Here are some of the best natural alternatives to steroids and methods for building muscle like Beast.

Proper nutrition is the way to go

  • High protein diet: Protein is crucial for muscle repair and growth. Aim for 1.2 to 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. You can get high-quality protein from lean meats, fish, eggs, dairy, beans, and plant-based proteins like tofu.
  • Healthy fats: Include omega-3 fatty acids to support hormone production. Think fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts.
  • Carbohydrates: Complex carbs provide energy for intense workouts. Sweet potatoes, oats, and brown rice will do the trick.
  • Caloric surplus: Consuming more calories than you burn is key for muscle growth. Focus on nutrient-dense foods to avoid gaining excess fat.

Go for resistance training

  • Progressive overload: Gradually increase the weight, reps, or intensity of your workouts to continuously challenge your muscles.
  • Compound exercises: Incorporate exercises that work multiple muscle groups for greater growth. Examples include; squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and pull-ups.
  • Proper form and technique: Ensure correct form to prevent injuries and maximize muscle engagement.

Consider introducing natural supplements to your routine

  • Creatine monohydrate: One of the most effective supplements for increasing strength, muscle mass, and workout performance.
  • Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs): Helps reduce muscle soreness and promotes recovery.
  • Beta-alanine: Increases endurance by buffering lactic acid buildup during high-intensity exercise.
  • Whey protein: A convenient source of high-quality protein to meet daily needs.

The natural alternative to steroids for muscle growth and improved oxygenation is Tren-Max. It offers incredible versatility, making it ideal for bulking, cutting, or maintenance phases.

Tren-Max enhances your strength and power, boosts overall conditioning, energizes you before workouts, and supports recovery afterward. It truly covers all the bases.

We also have another all-rounder, Deca-Max—which is the natural alternative to a highly popular anabolic steroid. It provides the same strength, power, and performance-enhancing benefits, but safely, legally, and without needles.

With improved nitrogen retention, increased protein synthesis, and enhanced production of oxygen-carrying red blood cells, Deca-Max enables longer, more intense workouts. This results in better muscle gains and maintenance.

For superior endurance, strength, and recovery, Deca-Max is your go-to solution.

Get clued up on natural testosterone boosters…

  • Zinc and magnesium:Essential minerals that support testosterone production.
  • Fenugreek: A herb known to naturally boost testosterone levels. 
  • Ashwagandha: An adaptogenic herb that can help increase testosterone and reduce cortisol.

Instead of introducing external testosterone into your body like steroids, Testo-Max works by encouraging your body to naturally produce more testosterone. 

When your testosterone levels rise, you can expect incredible benefits, including increased strength, rapid muscle growth, improved muscle recovery, and far more stamina.

Testo-Max delivers these results through a powerful blend of 10 testosterone-boosting ingredients, including DAA, magnesium, zinc, nettle leaf, ginseng, and fenugreek.

Boost your hormones naturally…

  • Adequate sleep: Aim for seven to nine hours of quality sleep per night to support muscle recovery and hormone regulation.
  • Stress management: Chronic stress can elevate cortisol levels and impede muscle growth. Techniques like meditation, deep breathing, and yoga can help manage stress.
  • Vitamin D: Supports testosterone levels and overall health. Get enough sunlight or consider supplementation.

Be consistent and patient…

  • Long-term commitment: Building muscle is a gradual process that requires time and persistence. Avoid quick fixes and focus on sustainable progress.
  • Recovery time: Ensure proper rest between workouts to prevent overtraining, which can lead to injuries and stall progress.


  • FYI: Muscles are about 75% water. Proper hydration is essential for optimal performance, recovery, and nutrient absorption.

Building muscle naturally without steroids is highly achievable with the right approach. 

Emphasizing and implementing the aforementioned factors will lead to significant and sustainable muscle growth over time.

So, should I take steroids?

Steroids are illegal! And while the results might be impressive, they come with significant risks and side effects that can impact your health and wellbeing. 

The truth is, if you want to take them, nothing we say can stop you, but it’s worth knowing that there are safe, and legal alternatives that will help you reach your goal.  

From proper nutrition and smart resistance training to the benefits of natural supplements and optimizing your lifestyle—the road to success doesn’t have to involve dangerous shortcuts.

So, take the knowledge you've gained, apply it to your own fitness journey, and make choices that support both your short-term goals as well as your long-term health. 

Embrace the journey of building muscle and enhancing performance the smart, sustainable way. 

Stay curious, stay committed, and here’s to reaching your peak in the safest and most rewarding way possible. Keep pushing and unleash your inner beast.

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Build muscle safely and legally—pack on mass the smart way!

Ready to find the perfect supplements tailored just for you? Look no further.

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By opting for our range of legal steroid alternatives, you can naturally reach your fitness or bodybuilding ambitions while enhancing your workouts—without the risk of legal trouble or health issues. 

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